Sam Davies

Academic Qualifications
MSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology from Bangor University, Wales
BSc (Hons) in Geology from Imperial College London

Professional Qualifications and Affiliations
Associate of the Royal School of Mines (ARSM)
Associate of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM)
Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG)
Student Member of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)
BCU L2 Coach, Canoe & Kayak
Single Pitch Award (Climbing)
Mountain Leader Award (Summer)

Academic Grants
Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship
SEG 2018 Graduate Student Fellowship Recipient

Publications & Reports
Davies, R. S., Groves, D. I., Trench, A., Denitith, M., Sykes, J. P. (2019) Appraisal of the USGS Three-part Mineral Resource Assessment through estimation of the orogenic gold endowment of the Sandstone Greenstone Belt, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Mineralium Deposita.

Davies M. J., & Davies R. S. (2019). Developing adaptive expertise in exploration decision-making. In: Proceedings of 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits 27-30 August, Glasgow, UK.

R. S. Davies, D. I. Groves, A. Trench, J. P. Sykes & J. G. Standing (2018) Entering an immature exploration search space: Assessment of the potential orogenic gold endowment of the Sandstone Greenstone Belt, Yilgarn Craton, by application of Zipf’s law and comparison with the adjacent Agnew Goldfield. Ore Geology Reviews

M. J. Davies, R. S. Davies (2018) Beyond below-ground geological complexity: Developing adaptive expertise in exploration decision-making. In: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Proceedings of Complex Orebodies Conference, 19-21 November, Brisbane, Australia, pp 95-98

R. S. Davies, D. Ryan, D. I. Groves, A. Trench, J. P. Sykes, J. G. Standing, C. Jia, W. Robertson (2017) Sandstone Goldfield. In Phillips, G. N. (Ed.), Australian Ore Deposits. Melbourne: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

L. Barrere, A. Trench, J. P. Sykes & R. S. Davies (2017) New generation Western Australian iron ore 2006–2016 – strategic insights far beyond the Pilbara? Conference Paper in Iron Ore Conference, Perth, Western Australia. July 2017

J.P. Sykes, A. Trench & R.S. Davies (2014) Tin Industry Review. ITRI