Introduction to Ecological Dynamics and the Constraints-Led Approach.

Introduction to a CLA and the underpinning theories of skill acquisition and learning

This section will introduce you a constraints-led approach (CLA) underpinned by ecological dynamics theory. You will then be introduced to the four principles of the CLA and invited to dig a little deeper into the principles.

Traditional and contemporary theories of learning and cognition have very different underpinning frameworks and assumptions. The resources will examine the influence that our beliefs about skill acquisition and learning have on shaping our coaching behaviours and how we design practice activities.

I have put a selection of resources below for you to pick-n-mix, or work though as you like.

Theories underpinning a CLA (ecological dynamics).

1. Do we need to understand coaching and learning theories? This blog article introduces the theory that underpins a CLA.

Photo by Philippe Oursel on Unsplash
Fluid dynamics, weather systems, and skill acquisition.

2. This is a super video from Professor Rob Gray explaining the two main theoretical perspectives of how we become skilful.

The Two Skill Acquisition Approaches: Key Differences

3. In this video Rob explains how your underpinning beliefs or understanding of skill acquisition shapes the way you think, make decisions and design practice. It is not a practice activity in itself.

This video from Rob Gray is a great follow-on from the previous one.

4. Here is a very readable book chapter (open access) by Dr James Rudd and colleagues which gives a good overview of the history of skill acquisition and learning theories. This is well worth a read!
A ‘Fundamental’ Myth of Movement With a ‘Functional’ Solution

An introduction to CLA in practice

1. This short video is a great introduction to a CLA as applied to other sports.

Constraints Based Learning by Opposite Direction

2. This is the first of three podcasts that introduce a CLA. All three are worth a listen.

Part one is a great introduction to the CLA.

3. This podcast is an interview with Keith Davids (my PhD Director of Studies and one of the pioneers of the CLA).

This is a very early Perception and Action podcast, but still a gem.